How do I add choices per Label, not per Text?

Hey guys, I am working on my first project and have a problem. I am using NER to tag the different aspects of Restaurant Reviews. There are aspect terms and opinion terms (labels). With each opinion term, i want to associate an individual set of choices:
What Sentiment Polarity (pos, neu, neg) does the opinion term belong to?
What Category (General, Food, Drinks, etc.) does the opinion term belong to?

To see my code for my labeling interface, see my uploaded picture

I couldn’t paste my code, sorry!

However, if I export this as json, only ONE set of choices (e.g. Location, positive) is extraced per text, even if I clicked each opinion term and then selected the combination of choices that suits best (while labeling).

If I try toName=“opinion_terms”, label an opinion term, click it, the try to select a choice, my UI becomes blank and my mouse cursor shows a loading symbol. This doesn’t change.

Summed up question:
How can I label bits of text and then add individual (per label) choices?