How do I format labeller instructions?

How can I provide labeller instructions that allow for some rudimentary formatting, like newlines and lists? Most of the example templates use the tag for (short) instructions, but this doesn’t seem to allow HTML or even ‘\n’, in contrast to .

I’m using version 1.13.1, controlled entirely through the API.

It should be written in html format, e.g.


Do you mind giving an example? I can think of a few ways to write HTML in a header but it’s not clear to me which, if any, work.

  • Doesn’t work because < is not allowed in attribute values.
  1. new

  • Doesn’t work because it complains that the
    tag is not closed.
  1. new

This doesn’t raise any parse errors, but the playground will not display any output if this is present anywhere in the config.

Go to Project settings > Annotation > Instructions

I see, and this can presumably be set in the API call to create a project ( as the expert_instruction field. Thanks!

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