Label studio and layout parser


I’m trying to use label studio in conjunction with the layout parser. Right now I’m trying to replicate the notebook below.

notebook template

In the item “Define the Annotation Schema” there are two suggestions

  • Write definition based on visual features as clear as you can
  • Add image examples

I believe it is possible to insert it from label studio and then export to coco, but I don’t understand where I insert this information from label studio. Is it in the “Labeling interface”?

Could you give me an example or instructions on how to proceed?

In the notebook above it is also indicated that “Active Learning” is possible. Is this possible through label studio?

<View style="display: flex;">
  <View style="width: 5500px; height: 5500px;">
    <Image name="image" value="$image"/>
  <View style="width: 90px; padding: 0 1em; margin-right: 0.5em; background: #f1f1f1; border-radius: 3px">
  <RectangleLabels name="label" toName="image">
    <Label value="title" background="#2DFAB4"></Label>
    <Label value="text" background="#FAE323"></Label>



I believe it is possible to insert it from label studio and then export to coco, but I don’t understand where I insert this information from label studio. Is it in the “Labeling interface”?

Yes! Go to the project settings and select “Labeling Interface.” There is a tab where you can select “Code”. You can copy and paste this in there. Here is a screenshot: Label Studio Documentation — Set up labeling configuration interface

“Active Learning” is a concept for when a Machine Learning backend is attached. I think you would want to enable “Start model training on annotation submission” Label Studio Documentation — Project settings

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