Hot Keys for Specific Data Types

Matthew Wright: Hello :wave: I am not able to use keyboard shortcuts it seems. I am trying to zoom and pan around in an image while labelling, the ‘h’ key does nothing. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong

Matthew Wright: I’m running LabelStudio via the latest Docker image:

docker run --name label-studio --rm -d -p 8080:8080 -v C:\docker\label-studio\data:/label-studio/data heartexlabs/label-studio:latest  

Matthew Wright: Also I am labelling video, not single images

Chris Hoge (HumanSignal): Unfortunately, this hotkey is specific to images, and not videos. A list of the supported hotkeys and specific keys for data types can be found. here.

Note: This post was generated by the Label Studio Archive Bot from a conversation in the Label Studio Slack, a gathering place for the Label Studio community. Someone in the community thought this was worth sharing!

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Matthew Wright: Gotchya, thank you. So is there a way to pan when zooming into video frames?

Matthew Wright: <@U0472357E7L>

Chris Hoge (HumanSignal): The only hotkeys available for video are play/pause, rewind one frame, and fast forward one frame.

Matthew Wright: @Chris Hoge (HumanSignal) gotchya thanks for the followup

Chris Hoge (HumanSignal): Sure, I’m sorry it wasn’t better news.