Hi guys,
I encountered two strange behaviors of label studio. it worked fine when I deploy it for the first week, so I am very confused, what happened there.
- label studio cannot show the tasks on google chrome.
It works fine when I change the browser to Firefox. - When I create projects and then click to “labeling all tasks” it only show one task. even though there are 28 tasks shows up on the page.
can only access the tasks by clicking the tasks directly, if the tasks doesn’t show up, (like on google chrome) I cannot do anything.
My label studio set up:
labelstudio version: 1.13.0
I deployed labelstudio on AWS EKS, I installed and updated labelstudio using helm, and the following global envrionment settings of my label studio
helm upgrade labelstudio heartex/label-studio -namespace label-studio-dev \
–set global.extraEnvironmentVars.LABEL_STUDIO_DISABLE_SIGNUP_WITHOUT_LINK=“true”
–set global.extraEnvironmentVars.LABEL_STUDIO_USERNAME="xxx@enfej.com"
–set global.extraEnvironmentVars.LABEL_STUDIO_PASSWORD=“mypassword”
–set global.extraEnvironmentVars.SSRF_PROTECTION_ENABLED=“true”
–set global.extraEnvironmentVars.LABEL_STUDIO_HOST=“http://XXXX.XXXX.com”